+55 41 99785-1998
And the role of Brazil on the world stage

The beginning of Brazilian agriculture dates from the discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese. Right at the beginning of colonization, Brazil turned its rural production to sugar cane.

It was only in the 18th century that they brought the first coffee seedlings, a movement that would place us at the center of the world in the production of the drink. It would then pave the way for us to become one of the worlds agribusiness players.

In the mid-1960s, Brazil consolidated imports of Nelore cattle, raising the level of Brazilian livestock and agribusiness to the status of a business of international importance.

It is at this moment that we have the development of agriculture as a strategic issue in the world. And we strengthened ourselves as an agribusiness country.

From then on, we turned our attention to the importance of investing in livestock and agribusiness, both in technology and in business.

By 2050, Brazil will be the producer of 40% of the worlds food demand
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The biggest food producers in the world

Brazil is in the first places in the world ranking of food production, and we are proud of it. But we want more!

Lets see the current ranking.

1st - China
2nd - United States
3rd - Brazil
4th - India
5th - Russia
6th - France
7th - Mexico
8th - Japan
9th - Germany
10th - Turkey

Meet the 5 largest food producers in the global market:

1st - China - 25% of world production

With more than 1 billion inhabitants, China tops this list with the largest agricultural production. Their total is about 25% of all food produced globally.

Exceeding US$ 865 billion in value of what is produced, Chinese agriculture maintains a heavy investment in technology, combined with self-sufficiency strategies and imports, according to its needs.

Its investments reach advanced technologies, such as the use of drones, implementation of digital in the field, automation of production, among others.

2nd - United States - Digitization of the rapidly developing field

The United States is one of the major investors in technologies for the field, aiming at ambitious goals on the international stage. Its technologies encompass efficiency in the field, logistics, integration between input suppliers, as well as the revolution in data flow in the rural environment.

With each survey, it consolidates itself as a strong investor in production with exponential growth. Its most cultivated and traded products are soy, corn, nuts, cotton and beef.

3rd - Brazil - The worlds largest producer of sugar, coffee and soy

In recent decades, Brazil has established itself as one of the most important countries in the production of food for the world. We lead the production of sugar, coffee and soy, in addition to being the largest exporters of corn, and the 4th largest producer of grains.

Although we are still engaging in the digitalization of the field, technology has been fundamental in making this cutting-edge production increasingly competitive, connected and sustainable.

Brazil feeds about 10% of the worlds population

4th - India - Largest producer of milk in the world

Second most populous country in the world, and with more than half of its production in rural work, India, for some years now, has had the technological revolution in the countryside as a great impetus to become one of the largest food producers.

With strong investment in the technological field, the products that stand out the most are: milk, fish, poultry, spices and fruits.

5th - Russia - The largest country in the world among the largest producers

With 124 million hectares in cultivated area, Russia keeps its production strongly focused on the grain sector, with about half of its land under cultivation. The country has a growing export of its crops, demanding constant investment in new technologies to remain competitive in the market.

Brazil is on track to become the worlds largest food producer

One of the main factors responsible for competitiveness in large-scale production is the modernization of agriculture. In the long term, it can place the country as a reference in cutting-edge agribusiness and make us the leader in the ranking.

And do you know what is more favorable for Brazil? We have space! Currently, Brazil does not have even 10% of its territory devoted to agriculture.

Brazil, therefore, is on the path to becoming the great agricultural power in the world and the largest supplier of food. Its investments, in relation to other global producers, are still not the greatest. But it counts on the growing engagement of producers.

Discover some technologies to equip agricultural production:
  • Use of drones
  • Agricultural GPS and high-precision technologies
  • Monitoring sensors
  • Big data
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Automation of production processes
This combination of science, technology and work in the field proposes the automation of processes and the increasing use of digital resources.

It is worth remembering that the incorporation of technologies encompasses all types of agriculture and its stages, from planting, through industrial processes, to supplying the product to the consumer. And Profills do Brasil is part of this agricultural development
and industry, supplying Filling Machines with state-of-the-art technology.

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