+55 41 99785-1998
A story of protection and evolution

Packaging is today an indispensable accessory, both for the functionality it offers the customer and for a strategic business issue, considering its costs and insofar as it works as a kind of showcase in the first contact with the public.

It may even seem like something very simple, which goes unnoticed in our daily lives. However, we need to remember that practically all of our consumption comes protected by packaging, right?

We can define the package as an object with the purpose of protecting the content, maintaining its characteristics, in all stages, from production, through distribution, storage and commercialization, until it reaches its final consumer.

But it was not always so.

The packaging in history

Studies indicate that the first packages appeared about 10,000 years ago, when agriculture emerged, which was a great innovation in the way food was collected.

Accompanying this new method of obtaining food, the need to store what was harvested arose.

The first items used as packaging were shells, coconut shells and leaves, easily found in nature. These materials served to transport water or store food in small quantities.

Then the packaging began to become more elaborate, such as vessels made for storing liquids and food. The vases offered advantages in terms of food protection and greater effectiveness against problems such as humidity, animals and pests, so common and, at the time, threatening.

As new needs arise in a society that has ceased to be nomadic and has acquired greater complexity, the packaging manufacturing processes also become more complex. Sculpted bowls, items made from animal skin, clay pots and vases, fiber baskets, among others, began to be developed.

Next, the factor that demands innovation in packaging is the movement of contents in large quantities and over long distances. With ever-increasing villages, transporting the harvest from the countryside to the city requires better packaging.

Later, in Ancient Egypt, revolutionary conservation techniques were observed with the use of sarcophagi, a kind of large packaging produced with several sheets of papyrus and linen, with the capacity to preserve the body deposited there from rapid decomposition.

Already in the age of discoveries, we have the wooden barrel as the central packaging for storing wine, water and food for long periods of time.

Throughout this history, following the steps of civilization, packaging has gained new contours and materials: leaves, shells, clay, wood, metals, glass, and so on.

Today, technology has brought the possibility of numerous packages to protect food and other contents. And new options for materials and formats appear all the time, each with its characteristics according to the content.

Evolving more and more

The concern with the integrity of the packaging and with the process in which this filling takes place are part of a whole set of good practices that guarantee the standardization of production and that deliver food free of chemical, physical or biological agents.

Low-quality materials and manual production processes are a thing of the past. What is expected from the industry is excellence to meet demand, through good packaging equipment and filling machines capable of protecting the properties of food and other contents.

Do you want to keep your product protected and with innovative packaging?
Count on Profills Filling Machines!
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